Principal's Message
Principal's Message

Blessed Semester 1, 2025!
We thank you, our beloved readers, for your interest in checking out our school website and in knowing Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School (KCPPS) via this platform! Thank you also for reading my message.
As we welcome our new Primary 1 pupils and celebrate the progression of all our Primary 6 pupils to post-primary education, we are reminded of the transformative power of education. Each child who passes through our gates is precious, with the potential to learn, achieve, and make a difference in the lives of others.
KCPPS has a rich 101-year history of providing quality and excellent education. Our journey has been remarkable, and we're filled with pride and gratitude as we reflect on our centennial celebrations last year. These celebrations highlighted the profound impact our school has had on countless lives over the past century.
We remain a preferred choice for families, as evidenced by our Primary One registration data. This continued popularity is a testament to our enduring legacy and the strength of our community. Our reputation for all-round excellence in both curricular and co-curricular areas is built on a strong foundation of character education and a culture of care and excellence. We take pride in our diverse programmes that cater to the varied interests, needs, and talents of our learners. Our commitment to strategic planning, positive relationships, and celebrating both process and outcome has fostered a thriving learning environment for our entire school community.
The success of KCPPS is due to the collective efforts of our 'village': The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, our School Management Committee, Living Praise Presbyterian Church, Alumni, Parents, Parents Support Group, and community partners. Their unwavering support and dedication have been instrumental in shaping KCPPS into the institution it is today.
As we look to the future, we remain committed to honouring our predecessors by building upon their foundation. We will continue to improve, guided by our shared vision and common purpose. From our humble beginnings to our current status as a school of choice, we will continue to strive and evolve.
Thank you once again for your interest in KCPPS. We look forward to another year of growth, learning, and achievement as we continue to move forward nimbly and confidently on the strong foundation built over the past 100 years!
To God be the Glory!
Mrs Yee-Toh Gek Khiaw
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School